Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Drug Problems in The U.S. - 800 Words

Drug Problems in The U.S. â€Å"The fact that war is the word we use for almost everything—on terrorism, drugs, even poverty—has certainly helped to desensitize us to its invocation; if we wage wars on everything, how bad can they be?†- Glenn Greenwald. The use of drugs through out the United States has gotten worse and worse every year, and I know that in the U.S. it is both a health problem and a crime problem. But I feel like that we should treat the abuse of illegal drugs as a matter of public health. It should be treated as a matter of public health over a matter of criminal justice because we can help people that abuse drugs and are addicted. Also well be able to get their lives on track so they won’t have to use drugs again which makes†¦show more content†¦This predicament, after all, has been sufficiently glamorized on-screen and in Romantic poetry. The rub, however, is that before long this quest turns into a full-time occupation, with yo ur need for an alternative coming to match a drug addict’s daily fix.†(pg.2)-Listening to Boredom What interests me is that all these teenagers and adults all probably said before becoming drug abusers was â€Å"yeah ill just try it once† but ended up using more than once. The reason I find this interesting is because it shows how someone is slowly becoming an addict, they say they’re only going to do it once, then that turns into only one more time ill do it and so on.† Thus our economy and society have to depend upon the constant cultivation of new â€Å"needs† the production of new desires.† That just goes to show what effect drugs can have on your health after one time because obviously your mind and body is starting to develop a need for these drugs to keep you happy which takes a toll on a person. In the article Use Becomes Abuse and Abuse Becomes Addiction by David Sheriff, he said â€Å"experimenting means you try something two or three times. Anything more than that is using.†(pg.78) Focusing on drug abuse as a public health issue is also good because the more we focus on getting people off drugs the less people we have to worry about over dosing. This is goodShow MoreRelatedAlcoholism Is the Worst Drug Problem in the U.S. Essay561 Words   |  3 Pagesevery 30 minutes due to an automobile accident caused by alcohol. Not only does alcohol kill, it clouds decisions, and is involved in a large percent of crime. Alcohol doesn’t stop there it negatively effects our youth. Alcohol is the worst drug problem in the U.S. We’ve all heard the phrase don’t drink and drive but how many people listen to this common sense. According to a statistic taken by the Century Council, 31 percent of car fatalities involved alcohol in 2013. Around fifty thousand claimsRead MoreDrugs Are Bad, M’Kay. 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